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世邦 火箭蓄电池的基本概念

发布时间:2023-03-04 13:02:14 来源:























充电是外电路给蓄电池供电,使电池内发生化学反应,从而把电能转化为化学能储存起来的操作。充电时,蓄电池的正、负极分别与直流电源的正、负极相连,当充电电源的端电压高于蓄电池的电动势时,在电场的作用下,电流从蓄电池的正极流入、负极流出,这一过程称为充电。蓄电池充电过程是将电能转换为化学能的过程。充电时,正、负极板上的PbSO4还原为PbO2和Pb,电解液中的H2SO4不断增多,电解液密度不断上升。当充电接近终了时,PbSO4已基本还原成 Pb。过剩的充电电流将电解水,使正极板附近产生O2从电解液中逸出,负极板附近产生H2从电解液中逸出,电解液液面高度降低。因此,铅酸蓄电池需要定期加蒸馏水。





放电是在规定的条件下,电池向外电路输出电能的过程。当铅酸蓄电池接上负载后,在电动势的作用下,电流就会从蓄电池的正极经外电路的用电设备流向蓄电池的负极,这一过程称为放电,蓄电池的放电过程是将化学能转化为电能的过程。放电时,正极板上的 PbO2和负极板上的Pb都与电解液中的 H2SO4反应生成硫酸铅(PbSO4),沉附在正、负极板上。在这个过程中,电解液中的H2SO4不断减少,电解液密度不断下降。理论上,放电过程可以进行到极板上的活性物质被耗尽为止,但由于生成的 PbSO4沉附于极板表面,阻碍电解液向活性物质内层渗透,使得内层活性物质因缺少电解液而不能参加反应,因此在使用中放完电时蓄电池活性物质的利用率也只有20% ~30%。因此,采用薄型极板,增加极板的多孔性,可以提高活性物质的利用率,增大蓄电池的容量。














在使用铅酸蓄电池时要特别注意的是:电池放电后要及时充电,如果长时间处于半放电或充电不足甚至过充的情况,或长时间充电和放电都会形成 PbSO4晶体。这种大块晶体很难溶解,无法恢复原来的状态,导致板极硫化后充电就会变得困难。








在铅酸蓄电池中,正极板为PbO2,负极板为 Pb,电解液为 H2SO4。将其正、负极板插入电解液中,正、负极板与电解液相互作用,在正、负极板间就会产生约2.1V的电势。电池在完成充电后,正极板为二氧化铅,负极板为海绵状铅。放电后,在两极板上都产生细小而松软的硫酸铅,充电后又恢复为原来物质。铅酸蓄电池在充电和放电过程中的可逆反应理论比较复杂,目前公认的是哥来德斯东和特利浦两人提出的“双硫酸化理论”。该理论的含义:铅酸蓄电池在放电后,正、负电极的有效物质和硫酸发生反应,均转变为硫酸化合物(硫酸铅),充电时又会转化为原来的铅和二氧化铅。其具体的化学反应方程式如下:


2PbO2+2H2SO4 →2PbSO4+O2↑+2H2O


Pb+H2SO4 →PbSO4+H2↑


2PbO2+3H2SO4+Pb →3PbSO4+2H2O+O2↑+H2↑


(1) Structure of lead-acid battery

The lead-acid battery is mainly composed of positive plate group, negative plate group, separator, container and electrolyte, and its structure is shown in the following figure:

1. Plate

The positive and negative electrode plates of lead-acid batteries are made of pure lead, and the effective substances are directly formed on them. Some electrode plates are made of lead-nickel alloy and coated with effective substances. The effective substances of the positive electrode (anode) are brown lead dioxide. This layer of lead dioxide is composed of combined oxidized lead particles. The reason why these particles can freely pass through the electrolyte and grind the positive material into fine particles is to increase its contact area with the electrolyte, This can increase the reaction area and reduce the internal resistance of the battery. The effective material of the negative electrode (cathode) is dark gray spongy lead. In the same battery, if the number of plates of the same polarity exceeds two, they are connected by metal strips, which is called the plate group or plate group. The number of plates in the plate group varies with its capacity (storage capacity). In order to obtain a larger battery capacity, Multiple positive and negative plates are usually connected in parallel to form positive and negative plate groups, as shown in the following figure:

During installation, insert the positive and negative plates into each other, and insert a partition in the middle to form a single-cell battery. In each single-cell battery, the number of negative plates is always more than the number of positive plates, so that each positive plate is between the two negative plates, so that the discharge on both sides of the positive plate is uniform, and avoid the plate arch caused by uneven discharge

2. Diaphragm

In all types of lead-acid batteries, except for a few special combination of plates with wide gap between them, a partition shall be inserted between the two plates to prevent short circuit due to contact between the positive and negative plates. This partition is densely covered with small holes, which can not only ensure the passage of electrolyte, but also block the contact between the positive and negative plates, and control the reaction speed, Protect the battery. There are several types of separators, such as wood, rubber, microporous rubber, microporous plastic, glass, etc., which can be appropriately selected according to the type of battery. The separators of the adsorption sealed battery are made of superfine glass wool, which can adsorb the electrolyte in the separators. The name of the adsorption sealed battery is also derived from this

3. Container

Containers are used to hold electrolyte and supporting plates, usually including glass containers, lead-lined wooden containers, hard rubber containers and plastic containers. Containers are used to hold electrolyte and plate groups, and should be acid, heat and shock resistant. Containers are mostly made of hard rubber or polypropylene plastic, which is an integral structure, with raised ribs at the bottom to hold the plate group. The shell is divided into 3 or 6 separate cells by the partition wall, Each cell is connected in series with a lead mass link. The upper part of the container is sealed with a battery cover of the same material. The battery cover is equipped with a liquid filling hole corresponding to each cell, which is used to add electrolyte and distilled water and measure the density, temperature and liquid level of the electrolyte

4. Electrolyte

The electrolyte of lead-acid battery is made by diluting high-purity concentrated sulfuric acid with distilled water. Its density depends on the type of lead-acid battery and the electrode plate used, which is generally 1.200~1.300g/cm3 at 15 ℃. The electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) used for the battery must be kept pure, and cannot contain any impurities harmful to the lead-acid battery. The function of the electrolyte is to create a liquid environment for the ions flowing between the positive and negative electrodes, Or act as the medium of ion flow. The relative density of electrolyte has an important impact on the work of the battery. The high relative density can reduce the risk of icing and improve the battery capacity. However, if the relative density is too high, the viscosity will increase, but the battery capacity will be reduced and the service life will be shortened. The relative density of electrolyte should be selected according to the local minimum temperature or the requirements of the manufacturer

5. Filling hole cover

The filling hole cover is made of rubber or plastic and screwed into the filling hole of the battery cover, as shown in the following figure:

There is a vent hole on the filling hole cover to allow the gas generated in the chemical reaction of the battery to be discharged smoothly. The vent hole on the filling hole cover should always be kept unblocked to allow the hydrogen and oxygen inside the battery to be discharged, and prevent the battery from premature damage or explosion

6. Coupon

Because each cell of the battery is connected in series, the poles of different polarity should be connected with a connecting rod. The connecting rod is made of lead-antimony alloy, and there are three types of exposed type, bridge type and wall-through type. The former is used on the hard rubber shell and cover, and the latter two are used on the plastic shell and cover. The exposed type refers to the connecting rod exposed on the battery; Cross-bridge type means that the lower part of the connecting strip is on the plane of the battery or buried under the cover, and the connecting part is bridged on the middle wall of each single cell battery; The wall-through type refers to punching holes in the middle wall, so that the handle of the plate group directly passes through the middle wall to connect the single cell batteries. The wall-through type connection mode is shown in the following figure:

(2) Basic concepts of lead-acid batteries

1. Charging

Charging is an operation in which the external circuit supplies power to the battery to make the chemical reaction occur in the battery, thus converting the electric energy into chemical energy for storage. During charging, the positive and negative poles of the battery are respectively connected with the positive and negative poles of the DC power supply. When the terminal voltage of the charging power supply is higher than the electromotive force of the battery, under the action of the electric field, the current flows in and out of the positive pole of the battery, This process is called charging. The battery charging process is the process of converting electrical energy into chemical energy. During charging, the PbSO4 on the positive and negative plates is reduced to PbO2 and Pb, the H2SO4 in the electrolyte is increasing, and the density of the electrolyte is rising. When the charging is close to the end, PbSO4 has been basically reduced to Pb. The excess charging current will electrolyze water, making the O2 generated near the positive plate escape from the electrolyte, and the H2 generated near the negative plate escape from the electrolyte, The height of the electrolyte level is reduced. Therefore, the lead-acid battery needs to be regularly added with distilled water

The sign of sufficient battery power is:

(1) There are a lot of bubbles in the electrolyte, which are boiling;

(2) The relative density of the electrolyte and the terminal voltage of the battery rise to the specified value and remain unchanged within 2~3h

2. Discharge

Discharge is the process of the battery outputting electric energy to the external circuit under specified conditions. When the lead-acid battery is connected to the load, under the action of electromotive force, the current will flow from the positive pole of the battery to the negative pole of the battery through the electrical equipment of the external circuit. This process is called discharge. The discharge process of the storage battery is the process of converting chemical energy into electric energy, Both PbO2 on the positive plate and Pb on the negative plate react with H2SO4 in the electrolyte to form lead sulfate (PbSO4), which is deposited on the positive and negative plates. During this process, H2SO4 in the electrolyte keeps decreasing, and the density of the electrolyte keeps decreasing. In theory, the discharge process can be carried out until the active substance on the plate is exhausted, but the generated PbSO4 is deposited on the surface of the plate, preventing the electrolyte from penetrating into the inner layer of the active substance, The inner active substance cannot participate in the reaction due to the lack of electrolyte, so the utilization rate of the active substance of the battery is only 20%~30% when the battery is discharged during use. Therefore, the use of thin plates to increase the porosity of the plates can improve the utilization rate of the active substance and increase the capacity of the battery

The characteristics of the end of battery discharge are:

(1) The single cell battery voltage drops to the discharge termination voltage;

(2) The relative density of electrolyte is reduced to the minimum allowable value

The discharge termination voltage is related to the discharge current. The larger the discharge current, the shorter the allowable discharge time and the lower the discharge termination voltage

3. Overcharge

Overcharging is to continue charging the fully charged battery or battery pack

4. Self-discharge

Self-discharge means that the energy of the battery enters the external circuit without discharging, resulting in certain energy loss

5. Active substances

The substances that produce electric energy by chemical reaction during battery discharge, or the substances that store electric energy at the positive and negative poles

6. Discharge depth

The discharge depth refers to the extent to which the battery stops discharging during use

7. Plate vulcanization

When using lead-acid batteries, special attention should be paid to the following: the batteries should be charged in time after discharge. If they are in the condition of semi-discharge or under-charge or overcharge for a long time, or if they are charged and discharged for a long time, PbSO4 crystals will be formed. This large crystal is difficult to dissolve and cannot restore its original state, resulting in the difficulty of charging after the plate is vulcanized

8. Capacity

Capacity is the current output charge under the specified discharge conditions, and its unit is usually ampere-hour (A · h)

9. Relative density

Relative density refers to the density ratio of electrolyte and water, which is used to test the strength of electrolyte. The relative density is related to the temperature change. The relative density value of the battery electrolyte filled at 25 ℃ is 1.265. The relative density value of sealed battery cannot be measured. The density of pure acid solution is 1.835g/cm3, which is reduced to 1.120g/cm3 after full discharge. After the electrolyte is injected into water, the density can be accurately measured only after the water completely fuses the electrolyte, The melting process takes about hours or days, but the time can be shortened by charging. The electrolyte density of each battery is different, even if the same battery is in different seasons, the density of the electrolyte will be different. The electrolyte density of most lead-acid batteries is in the range of 1.1~1.3g/cm3, and generally is 1.23~1.3g/cm3 after full charge

10. Operating temperature

After using the battery for a period of time, it will feel hot because the lead-acid battery has a strong heat. When the operating temperature exceeds 25 ℃, the service life of the lead-acid battery will be reduced by 50% for every 10 ℃ increase, so the maximum operating temperature of the battery should be lower than the outside world, and it is best when the temperature change exceeds ± 5 ℃

(3) Basic principle of lead-acid battery charging and discharging

In lead-acid batteries, the positive plate is PbO2, the negative plate is Pb, and the electrolyte is H2SO4. Insert its positive and negative plates into the electrolyte, and the interaction between the positive and negative plates and the electrolyte will generate a potential of about 2.1V between the positive and negative plates. After the battery is charged, the positive plate is lead dioxide, and the negative plate is spongy lead. After discharge, small and soft lead sulfate will be produced on both plates, After charging, it will return to the original material. The reversible reaction theory of lead-acid battery during charging and discharging is relatively complex. It is currently recognized that the "double sulfation theory" proposed by Goldstone and Philips. The meaning of this theory: after discharging, the effective material of the positive and negative electrodes of lead-acid battery will react with sulfuric acid, and both will be converted into sulfuric acid compound (lead sulfate), When charging, it will be converted into the original lead and lead dioxide. The specific chemical reaction equation is as follows:

positive electrode

2PbO2+2H2SO4 →2PbSO4+O2↑+2H2O

negative pole

Pb+H2SO4 →PbSO4+H2↑

Total reaction

2PbO2+3H2SO4+Pb →3PbSO4+2H2O+O2↑+H2↑

From the above chemical reaction equation, it can be seen that when the lead-acid battery is discharged, the active material lead dioxide of the positive pole and the active material lead of the negative pole react with the sulfuric acid electrolyte to produce lead sulfate, which is called "bisulfate reaction" in electrochemistry. At the end of the discharge of the battery, the active material of the positive and negative pole converts into lead sulfate, which is a substance with loose structure and fine crystal, The degree of activity is very high. During the charging process of the battery, the loose and fine lead sulfate at the positive and negative sides will become lead dioxide and lead again under the action of the external charging current, and the battery will be fully charged

It can be seen that the above reactions are reversible. It is this reversible electrochemical reaction that makes the battery realize the function of storing and releasing electric energy. In daily use, people usually use the discharge function of the battery and take charging as the maintenance of the battery. Lead-acid battery can maintain the activity of chemical substances in the battery for a long time when it is fully charged, and if it is not fully charged in time after the battery is discharged, The active substance in the battery will soon lose its activity, causing irreversible chemical reaction inside the battery. Therefore, solar batteries and lead-acid batteries for other purposes should be stored with sufficient electricity, and the battery should be recharged regularly

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本文由韩国SEBANG蓄电池(大陆地区)营销中心于2023-03-04 13:02:14 整理发布。
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